What We’re Thinking About
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Every week, we publish articles written by our counselors on various mental health, spiritual formation, or overall wellness topics.
The Emotional Impact of Miscarriage and Infertility
One of the difficulties of motherhood may happen long before delivery. Miscarriage and infertility are facts of life that are difficult to bear.
How to Get Out of the Social Media Comparison Trap
People have always compared themselves to others. But with the advent of social media, it’s easier—and possibly more harmful—than ever before.
Forgotten Vices, Forgotten Virtues: Pride vs. Humility
Most Christians recognize pride as the root of all sins—loving oneself above God. Humility offers the opportunity for healing.
The Mental Load of Motherhood
Motherhood can be busy, and much of it is unseen mental work. How can you stay on top of it all?
How Psychological Theories Apply to Therapy
Therapists use theories to examine, understand, and help clients navigate their lives. They draw a map and point out some things to look for along the way.
Are You Your Own Person?
Sometimes we care so much about what others think of us—be they strangers, friends, partners, parents, or coworkers—that we don’t know what we ourselves want, think, or feel. Autonomous people, those who are their “own person,” operate in a different way.
The Fourth Trimester: A Look at Postpartum Mental Health
What is supposed to be a beautiful time—meeting your child and basking in the newborn snuggles and joy of newfound motherhood—can carry its own difficult weight.
Forgotten Vices, Forgotten Virtues: Reclaiming a Christian Tradition
Pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth. The Seven Deadly Sins no doubt ring a bell. Sean Kelly, LAC describes how they offer something valuable to spiritual formation.
5 Ways Your Anger May Be Trying to Help You
While it can be destructive if it is not managed properly, acknowledging and honoring anger can actually be healthy and helpful.
What Are Love Languages?
Feeling loved is a basic human need. How do you give and receive love to those in your life?
How Building Confidence Helps Cope With Social Anxiety
Social anxiety and low self-confidence often go hand-in-hand. It makes sense, then, that increasing self-confidence can decrease your level of social anxiety. But how can you build self-confidence?
What John the Baptist Can Teach Us About Doubt
Jesus calls John the Baptist “the greatest among those born of women.” Yet despite his greatness in ministry and faith, John also seems to have doubt.
When God’s Gifts Come in Unexpected Wrapping
When it comes to “getting what I want,” I can’t help but wonder how many times my mindset toward God is similar to the mindset I had of Santa during childhood.
What Is Psychodynamic Counseling?
Many CCCRD counselors practice psychodynamic or insight-oriented counseling. What does that mean?
5 Ways Social Anxiety Shows Up in Adulthood
Social anxiety is often dismissed as a kid’s issue, but it actually affects people throughout their entire life. What does social anxiety look like in adults?
Your Brain on Anxiety: Safety and Acceptance
Because many of our anxieties stem from a fear of the unknown or loss of control, the best way to regain safety is to accept uncertainty.
5 Things to Do in an Existential Crisis
Poets, artists, and philosophers have pondered existence for centuries. It’s part of being a person. What can you do when an existential crisis hits?
Your Brain on Anxiety: Assessing the Info
When we become anxious, one of the things we need is more information about the situation.
Your Brain on Anxiety: Regaining Control
Many of the symptoms of anxiety—shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, restlessness—lead our bodies to assume we are not in control. Calming our bodies down is the first step in re-establishing control.
Returning to Life After the Pandemic
As a hopeful end to the pandemic is in sight, how do we manage the struggles that can come with a return to life as we knew it?