Love Your Social Media Neighbor

With every new invention, we have to consider what God might have to say about it. Could God’s word shed some light and wisdom into something that has only been around for a few decades? Yes! I believe that Scripture is absolutely applicable to how we interact on social media.

The Dangers of Anonymity 

Scripture talks frequently about being disrespectful, quarreling, gossiping, and bad-mouthing others. I’m sure we’ve all witnessed these happen on social media.

Social media poses both positives and negatives. Like most powerful tools, when it goes badly, it can go very badly. And probably the biggest downside to social media is all of the negative interactions that happen there. Unfortunately, we see some people's darker side when they are behind a keyboard. Interactions that are anonymous, instant, and far-reaching—it’s very easy to fall into sinful habits when dealing with people online.

What is it about anonymity that breeds such hurtful interaction? I find that lots of people are relying on social media for most of their interactions. When this happens, it’s easy to forget that there’s a real person on the other end. We think we are “just venting” or criticizing a random page or profile when in reality we are interacting with a person with their own issues, wounds, and history.

I can admit to this in myself. I haven’t always put the kindest things online because I knew that people couldn’t see me and I could be somewhat anonymous. I would venture to say others reading this have done the same. But have hope! We can learn from our mistakes and care for others more effectively through that growth. 

The Need for Face-To-Face Interaction

Despite all that social media and the internet offer, meeting face-to-face and spending quality time with others in person is still so valuable. 

Ephesians 4:29 says, “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” In person we can see more clearly how people react, we can see how people are hurting, and we can see how others are affected by our interactions. It’s easier to see that our words are “good for building up.” Online, it takes extra care to make sure that happens (both in what we say and how others receive it). 

Social Media and the Great Commission

One of the most obvious ways that the internet can be useful as believers is that we can spread the message of Christ’s love far and wide. In the same way that we can negatively affect others with what we say on social media, there is also the potential to use it as a platform to love others. It gives us the capability to love our social media neighbors—wherever they are.

Jesus gave us this in the Great Commission just before he ascended back into heaven. Think about the importance of that; the last thing that Jesus wanted the disciples to hear him say was that they were meant to spread God’s Word throughout the world. He told them, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” (Matt 28:19-20)

How can we use social media to better ourselves and glorify Christ? We can follow Scripture and teach others what it means to live a Christlike life on mission for God’s kingdom simply by how we interact with and care for others online.

How are you interacting with your social media neighbors? 


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