Am I Failing as a Believer if I Need to Go to Counseling?

A common misconception among Christians is that if they struggle with things like depression and anxiety, they just need to “pray it away.” There is an assumption that we are simply being attacked by the enemy or maybe “not trusting God enough.” The thought goes that if we just muster up more faith, the thing that is bringing us distress will go away.

A problem with the “pray-it-away” mindset

There is a problem here. If we believe God will answer every prayer we have, if we pray fervently, and we still struggle, we start to think we are spiritually deficient and failing in our walk with God! We worry we aren’t doing enough, or don’t mean it enough, or that we’ve not committed ourselves to God enough for him to make changes in our lives. 

The suffering believer might falsely believe they are not being religious enough or might compare themselves to others who seem to be “doing it better.” Even worse, they might start to think that God is punishing them for their inability to have more faith! Guess what? This just makes the anxiety or depression worse!

“Do not be afraid”

God gives us clear instructions on how to live our lives throughout Scripture. For example, in the Bible, we’re told hundreds of times not to be afraid or to worry. It is the most repeated command in all of the Bible and perhaps the easiest to fail.

I believe God tells us not to fear so many times because he knows how easy it is for us to be afraid in this life. But what if you are suffering from anxiety, and have prayed God takes it away, and he still hasn’t? How much more difficult is it, then, to not worry? Does that mean you are failing as a believer?

No! Mental health struggles do not mean you are failing as a believer. It means God has allowed this into your life for whatever reason, and he wants you to seek help or work through it in order to shape you into being more like Christ. Life’s suffering is not your failing as a Christian; it is the means by which God wants to form you to look more like him.

The good news about life’s trouble

The good news is that God also tells us to seek counsel, ask for help, and bear each other's burdens because he knows that we are going to suffer in this life. God has given you permission to seek help from doctors, therapists, and professionals. Why wouldn’t you do whatever it takes to get the help you need? 

Working with a Christian therapist is important. Not only can they provide the same excellent counseling theory and techniques that a secular therapist can, but they understand scripture and can pray with you throughout the counseling journey. I can’t think of a better way to honor and glorify God than by inviting you into therapy! It is an effective way to experience healing, growth in your spiritual walk, and closeness with God in the parts of ourselves that are difficult to look at. 

Our Christian therapists are here for you if you need us. They will not only provide excellent therapy to manage and overcome your mental health concerns, but will also look at your problems and solutions through the lens of scripture, invite God into the session, and pray with you too!

Learn more about what therapy could offer here.


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