What We’re Thinking About
Welcome to our blog!
Every week, we publish articles written by our counselors on various mental health, spiritual formation, or overall wellness topics.
Seeking Light: Taking on Seasonal Affective Disorder
To combat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), we need to seek light.
Motherhood and the Brain
A mother’s brain undergoes natural chemical, physical, and biological changes in pregnancy, birth, and beyond.
The Blessed Vulnerability of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is an opportunity to practice biblical, other-centered hospitality in a vulnerable way.
Participating in God’s Kingdom on Earth Through Forgiveness
When we practice forgiveness, we participate in building God’s Kingdom on Earth.
How Our Children’s Emotions Affect Our Own
As young adult children face new challenges, how can parents manage their own emotional responses?
Forgotten Vices, Forgotten Virtues: Sloth vs. Diligence
Sloth may not be that we’re not doing enough, but that we’re not caring enough.
It’s World Mental Health Day… Again
On this World Mental Health Day, let's take a practical look at how to improve our mental wellness.
Spiritual Disciplines for Healthy Leaders
Spiritual disciplines help form us into healthier versions of ourselves.
The Bridge and the Power of Perspective
Brynn Gutelius, LAC, looks at the bridge between parenting teens and empty-nesting.
What Is the Window of Tolerance?
We all have a Window of Tolerance—our optimal zone to operate in as we navigate what each day brings.
The Beauty of an Apology
Apologies are rare, but when they're done well, they have the power to heal.
Who Is Your Support System?
Humans were made to be relational. How do we find a support system?
Pack Joy for the Journey
Packing joy for our journey sets us up to experience life the way God intended.
The Benefits of Assertive Communication
Instead of resorting to passive-aggressive communication or avoidance, give assertiveness a try.
How Do You Measure Success in Ministry?
The world relies on numbers and measurements to define success. Should ministry do the same?
On Soul Rest: A Guided Reflection
In an age of busyness and production, how can we find rest?